Your Guide to Overcome a Digital Skills Gap in Your Business

Workplaces are becoming digital. Thus, digital skills are no longer a “nice-to-have” but a vital need. Tech job openings have surged in recent years and will continue to rise as the digital skills gap widens.

What is a digital skills gap?

The digital skills gap is between employers’ preferences and either applicants’ competencies or the skills in their existing employees. Since 82% of employment needs digital skills, the gap is a major concern.

Why you need to close your digital skills gap

To stay competitive, businesses must address the digital skills gap. Although 90% of employers believe staff need basic digital skills, many lack them. Addressing this gap can help meet customer service goals, reduce staff burden, and increase operational expenses.

Master marketer and salesman Sabri Suby is known for inventive marketing methods and ability to expand enterprises, as demonstrated in his YouTube videos and entrepreneurial success stories.

Keys to reducing the digital skills gap in your business: 

  • Stay updated on digital developments

Check out the newest digital trends to close your business’s skills gap. You’ll know the digital talents your firm needs to succeed, which will help you hire and prioritize. Social media, digital marketing, software development, programming, online, and app development are in demand.

  • Assess the digital competencies of your firm

Next, assess your company’s digital competencies. Based on digital strengths and shortcomings, determine where to recruit new staff or educate current staff.

  • Address skills gaps as continuing issues

In the next six months, digital skills will evolve, with job advertisements now requiring applicants to know WordPress or Adobe Suite, requiring companies to adapt and be proactive.

  • Promote employee learning

Digital skills gap is a challenge, with online platforms and vocational training programs providing opportunities but determining demand and demonstrating skills to employers. A culture of continuous learning and personal growth reduces this gap.

  • Recruit digital talent

After identifying gaps in your team and upskilling, you may need to employ fresh personnel. When employing new staff, consider what capabilities your company could need in the future. If hiring staff isn’t an option, outsource to professionals that have the skills you’re missing. 

  • Collaborate with a vCIO

The scarcity of digital skills makes hiring in-house personnel challenging and expensive. Numerous organizations are seeking digital talent, so consider working with external contractors or firms (vCIOs) to assist or lead your digital strategy.

  • Adopt new digital tools

Closing the digital skills gap requires choosing new digital technologies that benefit your organization. If you use obsolete platforms or technologies, your firm will suffer. Consider the multitude of technologies available to maximize time and efficiency. Finding your organization’s best project management, cloud storage, and content management solution is critical. If you require a complicated tool or one combining prior platforms’ components, consider designing a custom app for your company. SaaS systems let you utilize your tool anytime, wherever, with WiFi.

  • Collaborate with external developers’ assistance

You may work with other developers to build your bespoke tool if it requires extra supervision or professional guidance. External developers are expensive and time-consuming, but you can relax and let them work.

Easy ways to fill in your tech skills gaps

More individuals than ever lack the digital skills to keep up with the rapid advancement of technology. To overcome this challenge, companies must remain on top of industry-specific digital developments, educate staff, and switch to new digital platforms.